Central artwork by Peter Spells
The Bow Street Society is a fictional group of amateur detectives, operating in Victorian London, that feature in the murder mystery writings of award winning crime author, T.G. Campbell. Each of its civilian members has been enlisted for their unique skill or exceptional knowledge in a particular field derived from their usual occupation. Members are assigned to cases, by the Society's clerk, Miss Trent, based upon these skills and fields of knowledge.
January 1897 and with the new year comes new challenges for the Bow Street Society. With Inspector Conway reassigned to Bow Street police station and closely monitored by Inspector Woolfe, Inspector Lee has stepped into his shoes as head of New Scotland Yard’s infamous Mob Squad. The intense scrutiny and surveillance of the Bow Street Society which follow further isolates Miss Trent from her allies and leads to dramatic consequences for others. Yet, when someone dies in terrible circumstances at the Crescent Theatre in London’s West End, the Bow Street Society must put its problems aside to uncover the tragic truth. Can the Bow Street Society expose the villain behind the drama, or will the curtain fall on a deadly comedy of errors?
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Bow Street Society logo artwork by Heather Curtis: mouseink@gmail.com
Copyright 2017 Tahnee Campbell. All rights reserved.
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(Bow Street Society Mystery 7)
Available on Amazon Kindle (all devices), via Kindle Unlimited, and Paperback
Edited by Sue Soares.
In the nineteenth century, as now, slang and peculiar phrases could be heard in all manner of establishments and echelons of society. The music halls and theatres were no different. They, like the pugilists, had their own brand of (often) non-sensical terms to refer to the various aspects of music hall and theatrical life. To mark the release of the seventh Bow Street Society Mystery, The Case of The Fatal Flaw, T.G. Campbell briefly explores these terms, many of which she hadn’t heard before.
T.G. Campbell is thrilled to announce she will be returning to Birmingham in 2025 for the Book Lovers in Birmingham booksigning event. This is a really easy location to get to by train and there's plenty of shopping and restaurants nearby. It would be great if you could join us at the event, and T.G. Campbell can't wait to meet old faces and new.
The Slang and Phrases of C19th Theatres & Music Halls.
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Meet the author of the Bow Street Society, T.G. Campbell