The parlour—provided by the Milton Keynes Museum—was perfect for the era I wanted to portray. The Victorian Parlour at Milton Keynes Museum is open to the public. The museum also has an Edwardian kitchen, school room, a street of shops, tearoom, and an abundance of vintage vehicles. They also have a calendar of events throughout the year. I’d highly recommend a visit, and Milton Keynes has excellent rail links to London.

The reception the trailer has had has been AMAZING. The post for it on the official Bow Street Society Facebook page has been seen by over 3,000 people. The trailer has been viewed over 400 times in two weeks on the official Bow Street Society YouTube channel. Currently, I only have four videos on the channel but I would like to produce more content for it in the future. I need to decide what that content will look like first, though. Please feel free to subscribe to the channel but be aware it may be a while before I add something new to it.

Every aspect of the completed trailer is original with the exception of the ticking clock and busy street sound effects (these were royalty free). Sabrina Poole, who played the part of Miss Rebecca Trent, was exceptional. Daniel Toal, who played the part of Mr Oswald Baldwin from the Gaslight Gazette, was outstanding. You can now watch a behind-the-scenes interview with Sabrina and Daniel. I have created a full behind-the-scenes segment for the trailer—discussing the evolution of the script, the making of the trailer etc—but I need to purchase a better mic and re-record my narration. I’m not happy with the sound quality as it stands at the moment. ​

2018 is drawing to a close and it’s been an amazing year for me and the Bow Street Society. In addition to releasing the third mystery, The Case of The Spectral Shot, I’ve also had an abundance of “firsts” in my independent writing career. When I look back on how much I’ve achieved in 2018, I’m amazed it all happened in one year.

On the 14th July, I gave my first podcast interview to the lovely ladies over at the It Was a Dark & Stormy Bookclub. Over a Whatsapp call, Ann and Tracey grilled me about the Bow Street Society, my thoughts about historical fiction, and my future releases. Since then, their podcast has gone from strength to strength with interviews from other successful crime and mystery authors. You can listen to my interview, and all the others, by clicking on the button below.

I think the main problem viewers had was the fact they couldn’t comment in the stream’s chat because they didn’t have a YouTube channel (or something along those lines). Personally, I think they couldn’t comment because I’d age restricted the stream. I won’t do that next time. Then I can see if that works better for my viewers.

I’ve been told I should make the Q&A live streams a weekly thing but, to be honest, I’m not sure I have enough content to make this a viable option at this stage. It was also suggested I should make 3 minute educational videos with topics based around the Victorian era. There are plenty of pitfalls with this idea—mostly surrounding copyrighted material. I know there’s a “fair use” clause in the legislation which permits the use of copyrighted material for educational/demonstrative purposes. I also know there’s a new obstacle on the horizon, specifically for European creators, in the form of Article 13. Basically, I’m going to have to research the legal ramifications of using any copyrighted material before I decide to use any in my videos. In the meantime, if I do create content for my channel it will be wholly based around my own original works and activities.

Last, but certainly not least, the second volume of Bow Street Society Casebook short stories will be released very soon. Keep an eye on the main homepage and Gaslight Gazette newsletter for further updates. Remember, subscribers to the Gazette read new casebook stories months before they’re released in the collection.

 ~ T.G. Campbell, November 2018.

​​Bow Street Society logo artwork by Heather Curtis:

Copyright 2017 Tahnee Campbell. All rights reserved.

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I also completed my first (successful) live stream this year. My initial attempt at “going live” on Facebook failed miserably. The problem came when I tried to stream using my laptop. In order to do that, you have to install streaming software, enter URLs etc. It was all very complicated. As I’d already put the book trailer on the Bow Street Society’s YouTube channel, I decided to “go live” on there. Thankfully it worked well and I had some very interesting questions put to me. 


As readers of my October blog (click the button at the top of this page to read it) will know, I attended my first Jack the Ripper Crime Conference at the end of September. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience in that I met Professor David Wilson and one of the authors of the Official Encyclopaedia of Scotland Yard, Martin Fido. I may attend next year’s conference, but there’s also CrimeFest to consider; a multi-day true crime conference with talks etc. I’ve contemplated contacting them about having a stall for my Bow Street Society books but I decided against this as a) my books are fiction opposed to true crime nonfiction and, b) it appears as though it will be more talk-based (at least from what I’ve read on their website so far). 

Throughout October, I worked to produce the live action segment of my first book trailer. The trailer was conceived in November 2017 when my beta reader, Karen McDonald, and me created a storyboard based upon a script I’d created. Following this, the illustrated portion of The Case of The Curious Client book trailer was made. The illustrations were drawn by Peter Spells, who creates all the central illustrations for my Bow Street Society books and short story collections. 

Later in July, on the 28th, I attended my first book signing event in the form of the UK Indie Lit Fest in Bradford. I had a great time chatting with readers, networking with fellow independent authors, and showcasing the Bow Street Society books on my stall. I also caused quite a stir with my Victorian dress! I’ll be back at the UK Indie Lit Fest on the 27th July 2019 as one of its attending authors. You can book your free ticket(s) to the event by clicking on the button below. I provide updates about book signing events in the Gaslight Gazette newsletter so be sure to subscribe if you want to be the first to hear about them.  ​